Household Waste Reduction Tips

garbage binThese days we’re all encouraged to help reduce our carbon footprint and generally become more environmentally friendly. A simple way to do this involving very little effort is to reduce your household waste! With a few changes you can make sure that you don’t continually add to the rubbish going to the landfill. Landfills are sites specifically for the disposal of waste by burial but can cause a number of problems including pollution and contamination so using them as little as possible is in everyone’s best interest.

Start by taking a look at everything that you throw away on a daily basis. Then you can see just where you may be able to change your disposal habits. When you go shopping for example take your own bags with you, eliminating the need for bringing more bags into your home. Invest in a large canvas bag that’ll hold all of your shopping easily. For supermarket shopping why not try the online experience and opt to have your shopping without bags? Try and pick products with less packaging, and with packaging that can be recycled.

Recycling can save you a tremendous amount of waste. Any unwanted clothes can be taken to local charity shops or put in kerbside collection bags. Use the tip that if you haven’t worn an item of clothing in the last year you can really do without it! Magazines and books can be donated to dental and medical centres for use in their reception areas, or to schools and libraries. Opticians often have cages for collection of old glasses for donations to poor countries. Newspapers and cardboard can all be bagged and made ready for weekly collection by your local council. The wheelie bins can be used for garden rubbish alongside food waste.

Make an effort to buy good quality items that are going to last longer. You can do this throughout the house, from kitchen equipment through to children’s toys. Keep your items regularly serviced and maintained to avoid having to throw things away. If you’ve got unwanted furniture contact your local charity shop to see if they’ll collect it from you or have a garage sale and get rid of it that way.

A lot of household waste is created by using disposable items, such as paper towels. If you change to washable cloths this is another saving you can make. Buy rechargeable batteries and choose razors that have replaceable blades. When you look at items that you normally throw away, think about using them for other purposes before you do. For instance old toothbrushes make excellent grout cleaners and old towels can be used for household cleaning.

If you have outdoor space you could create a compost pile which will save on waste and can be used to fertilize the soil in your garden. You can add fruit and vegetable peelings, egg shells and coffee grounds as well as grass cuttings and clean, shredded paper. You can buy ready made compost bins to get you started! To save food waste on a regular basis put a small bin in the kitchen or utility area especially for collecting leftovers on plates and out of date food items from the fridge.

No matter how much you’ve succeeded to reduce your household waste, there still will be something for the bin. So, how to deal with the excess waste to ensure it doesn’t harm the environment? Many rubbish carriers in London offer affordable and eco-friendly waste removal services. Call such a company and see if they can come and dispose of your rubbish in environmentally friendly way. This way you will ensure that every bit of your waste will stay out of the landfill.

There are so many ideas for waste management! All you have to do is try to find those that suit you.